A geothermal heat pump is considered to be the most environmentally friendly method of heating and cooling on the current market.

These innovations draw from the free and renewable energy provided by the sun.

No matter what the weather brings, the underground temperature remains constant. A geothermal unit includes an underground loop system that pulls heat energy out of the earth and transfers it indoors. In the summer, the operation is reversed. The heat pump extracts heat from the indoor air and delivers it into the ground. Because geothermal systems simply move existing heat from one place to another, they are extremely energy efficient. They eliminate the burning of fossil fuels completely. The absence of a combustion process avoids fumes, carbon monoxide and greenhouse gasses. A geothermal heat pump is capable of producing four units of energy for every one unit necessary to power the equipment, achieving 400% efficiency ratings. Plus, the addition of a simple valve allows the heat pump to provide a virtually free source of domestic hot water. Although geothermal heat pumps are quite a bit more expensive to purchase and install than more conventional alternatives, the savings on year round utility bills typically recover the investment in under five years. There’s also the added advantage of longevity. The heat pump is located inside the house and protected from the weather. With proper maintenance, it can be expected to last upwards of twenty years. The ground loop is warrantied for fifty years and should provide reliable operation for twice that long. There is also the potential of tax incentives for implementing an energy efficient heating and cooling system.
Wireless thermostat